Write about your understanding of the database. Explore the database advantages and write about database concepts such as primary and foreign keys.


What Is a Database?
A database is an organized collection of data, stored and accessed electronically. Databases are used to store and manage large amounts of structured and unstructured data, and they can be used to support a wide range of activities, including data storage, data analysis, and data management. There are many different types of databases, including relational databases, object-oriented databases, and NoSQL databases, and they can be used in a variety of settings, including business, scientific, and government organizations. (Sipmlilearn, 2023)
(Database Managenent System, 2023)

What Are Databases Used For? 
Databases are used to store and manage large amounts of structured and unstructured data, and they can be used to support a wide range of activities, including data storage, data analysis, and data management. They are used in a variety of settings, including business, scientific, and government organizations.(Simplilearn, 2023)

Advantages of Database:

I will count 6 main benefits of using a database:

1. Improved data sharing and data security
2. Effective data integration
3. Consistent, reliable data
4. Data that comply with privacy regulations
5. Increased productivity
6. Better-decision making (Pizzo, 2023)

Primary and Foreign keys:

Tables are related to other tables with a primary key or foreign key relationship. Primary and foreign key relationships are used in relational databases to define many-to-one relationships between tables. The primary key/foreign key relationships between tables in a star or snowflake schema, sometimes called many-to-one relationships, represent the paths along which related tables are joined together in the database. These join paths are the basis for forming queries against historical data. For more information about many-to-one relationships, see Many-to-one relationships. (Dimensional modeling, 2023)

(Datension, 2022)
Primary keys
primary key is a column or a set of columns in a table whose values uniquely identify a row in the table. A relational database is designed to enforce the uniqueness of primary keys by allowing only one row with a given primary key value in a table. (Dimensional modeling, 2023)
Foreign keys
foreign key is a column or a set of columns in a table whose values correspond to the values of the primary key in another table. In order to add a row with a given foreign key value, there must exist a row in the related table with the same primary key value. (Dimensional modeling, 2023)


Reference List:

Database management software (2023) Database management software. Available at: https://svitla.com/blog/database-management-software (Accessed: March 16, 2023).

Datensen (2022) Primary key vs foreign key: Luna modeler for data modelingDatensen. Available at: https://www.datensen.com/blog/data-modeling/primary-key-vs-foreign-key/ (Accessed: March 16, 2023).

Dimensional modeling (2023) Primary and foreign keys.  Available at: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/ida/9.1.1?topic=entities-primary-foreign-keys (Accessed: March 16, 2023).

Pizzo, M (2023) Benefits of Database Management Systems (DBMS): ZoomInfoPipeline Blog. Available at: https://pipeline.zoominfo.com/operations/6-benefits-of-using-database-management-systems-dbms (Accessed: March 16, 2023).

Simplilearn (2023) What is a database? everything you need to know: SimplilearnSimplilearn.com. Simplilearn. Available at: https://www.simplilearn.com/tutorials/dbms-tutorial/what-is-a-database (Accessed: March 16, 2023). 


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