The 4Ps of Marketing

What Are the 4 Ps of Marketing?

The four Ps are the key considerations that must be thoughtfully reviewed and wisely implemented in order to successfully market a product or service. They are product, price, place, and promotion. (Twin, 2022)

(Wilson, 2022)

The four Ps are often referred to as the marketing mix. They encompass a range of factors that are considered when marketing a product, including what consumers want, how the product or service meets or fails to meet those wants, how the product or service is perceived in the world, how it stands out from the competition, and how the company that produces it interacts with its customers.(Twin, 2022)

(Edrawsoft, 2023)

The four Ps of Marketing are:
  • Product: What you sell. Could be a physical good, services, consulting, et
  • Price: How much do you charge and how does that impact how your customers view your brand?
  • Place: Where do you promote your product or service? Where do your ideal customers go to find information about your industry?
  • Promotion: How do your customers find out about you? What strategies do you use, and are they effective? (Neil, 2021)

Reference List:

Edrawsoft (2023) 4Ps of marketing template. Available at: (Accessed: February 10, 2023).

Neil Patel (2021) The 4 PS of Marketing: A step-by-step guide (with examples), Neil Patel. Available at: (Accessed: February 10, 2023).

Twin, A. (2022) The 4 PS of Marketing and how to use them in your strategy, Investopedia. Investopedia. Available at: (Accessed: February 10, 2023).

Wilson, J. (2022) The 4PS of marketing: Your guide to the marketing mix, GLOBIS Insights. Available at: (Accessed: February 10, 2023). 
