Documentation of progress in Website Development (Using Wix)


This post is about building an e-commerce bike store website using Wix. It includes all steps of website development.

1. We open Wix in the browser and it is required us to log in. 

2. After logging in by typing in our personal account details, we create a New Site: 

3. According to our needs, we choose one type of website (e-commerce for this post).

4. We have to name our website during this step, but we can edit it later.

5. Wix automatically suggestion us two options, creating a website from a blank page or using templates. Also, Wix could create our e-commerce bike store itself if we enter certain information about our store.

6. I used a ready template for this step of web development.

6. Home Page of my bike store website:

8. The footer of Website:

9. About Page of the Website:

10. Shop Page of the Website:

11. FAQ Page of the Website:
