Analyse the homepage for 2 E-commerce Website

E-commerce Website Analysis

In below, we compare two different E-commerce Websites Features:


From Zara website screen shot we can see that the header section is include triple line icon for menu, search bar, help and login features.



Lacoste header consist of Lacoste logo which direct to home page, search bar, favorites, login and icon for location of branches.

(Lacoste UK)

Zara vs Lacoste:

In shoes section of both websites we can observe different information about shoes, their price, discounts and pictures:


(Lacoste UK)


In footer part of the Zara, there is only information about contacts, but



Here, we can see several ways of payment method, shipping method and contact info of Lacoste. Also, links for about company and categories are appeared again in footer section:

(Lacoste UK)

Reference List:

Lacoste UK Online Boutique (no date) Polo shirts, shoes, leather goods | LACOSTE UK Online Boutique. Available at: (Accessed: January 28, 2023). (no date) Zara United Kingdom: New collection online, ZARA United Kingdom | New Collection Online. Available at: (Accessed: January 28, 2023).
